S. R. Multi Speciality Hospital

Finance options

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Money should not be a hurdle for infertility

We won’t let money come in the way of your infertility treatments or parenthood. For easy payments and to reduce burden on patient, we have easy payment options which you can pay for the treatment. Choose the duration of payment and the installment to be paid. We aim to ease this burden by providing comprehensive information and alternative options for affordable infertility treatments.

All diagnostic tests amount in one package

You can get all the diagnostic tests (lab and scans) which are initially required for diagnosing infertility in one package. Rest assured, you can get the tests done at any time or whenever your doctor recommends. With this, you will also save upto 20% on diagnostic test costs.

Easy monthly installments for IVF / ICSI treatments

Treatment costs for IVF or ICSI procedures can be difficult to pay at once. So, we have got an easy monthly installment package where in you can pay your desired amount out of total every month during the course of treatment cycle. There is no interest levied or no strings attached.

Discounted price in case of unsuccessful cycle

Treatment cycles can fail in about 40% of cases (this is worldwide average). So, to reduce treatment costs for the second cycle there is discounted price to that of first cycle. Our goal is to get the cycle successfully without getting you burdened.