S. R. Multi Speciality Hospital


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The first and only integrated infertility centre in Ballari

Infertility is not your mistake ! Due to altered lifestyle and less conscious about our health, it has become one of the common health issues today. If you’re married and unable to conceive; it shows the sign of a fertility issue, either in you or your partner. Common causes may be Smoking / Drinking, lack of nutrition, some diseases and number of other unknown causes. Many people tend to go into depression, if they don’t conceive. Not having children, doesn’t mean you’re infertile. Its just you need appropriate treatment.
best Infertility doctors in Ballari

What we do

Our fertility center is one of the best in Ballari and surrounding districts, which you can pick for treating infertility. When you approach us, at first we counsel you, understand your problems, provide you the best possible treatment plan and at very low prices. We promise that our doctors and staff will take really good care of you.

Fertility services

IVM – In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes
IUI – Intra Uterine Insemination
IVF – In Vitro Fertilization
Donor treatments - Sperms / eggs
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Fertility Preservation
Freezing / Virtrification
Other Treatments
OI with Timed Intercourse